Military Veteran

The focus of the military veteran’s curriculum is application of resilience strategies and social support as these are protective of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and suicide, yet also improve academic retention and student success for veterans seeking post-seconday education. The resilience course, an introduction to psychological resilience, is offered in conjunction with learning theory and leadership to encourage transfer of learning, that is, the ability to relate a concept from one subject area to another. The instruction uses a learner centered approach to problem based learning (PBL). PBL does not focus on defined solutions, rather it encourages group collaboration and communication by clarifying problems, brainstorming and structuring solutions. A cohort-based social framework provides a support system that reduces hyper-arousal and makes use of “veteranism,” or comradery, and trust. This approach does not pathologize readjustment, but instead focuses on resilience and education to practice positive adaptation in a nonclinical setting.

Program Overview

Overview of the program from the VA, The American Veteran.
SERV Program, The American Veteran

Case Study

Qualitative article from a returning military veterans perspective.
Case Study: A Hispanic Combat Veteran Returns to College

Pilot Study

A pilot study of the first military veterans cohort to complete the program.
Resiliency and Retention in Veterans Returning to College: Results of a Pilot Study

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.