Nursing and Healthcare

These resilience instructional materials are supportive of a university integrative nursing program and may be useful to a wide range of healthcare professionals. The materials are consistent with recommendations from the World Health Organization (Suicide, 2014) for suicide prevention.

College of Nursing Resilience Model

The University of Arizona, College of Nursing, integrative nursing with resilience encourages putting on 'mental armor' to better protect ourselves from stressful challenges and to better prepare ourselves for academic success. The resilience model blends positive-coping skills, social support, and problem-based learning focused on personal and educational challenges that occur in the curricula timelines. This is a legacy look at some of the resources and results of the endeavor.

  • Building Social Resilience in Nursing: A Workbook. Resilience approach to integrative nursing workbook organized as a series of problem-based learning (PBL) resilience exercises using five positive-coping skills. The skills are worked in multiple sessions where best suited in the overall programs. Building Social Resilience in Nursing evalcopy PDF »
  • Resilience Quick Reference. Printable resilience quick reference 'flashcard' to supplement instruction. Resilience Reference PDF »
  • English/Spanish Resilience Card Template. A bilingual quick reference card template that can be laminated for wear on a hospital id necklace. Bilingual Resilience Card PDF »
  • Stress. Environmental stressors & burnout are main reasons for new graduate nurses leaving nursing. The ANA supports implementation of evidence-based practices to create healthy and safe work environments for registered nurses -- poster sessions. Resilience Poster 1» Resilience Poster 2»
  • Gamification in Nursing Education. Incorporating gamification into an evidence-based resiliency curriculum in order to promote resiliency skills in nursing students and new graduate nurses -- poster session. Gamification Poster »

Resilience Design and Training for Healthcare

Interested in developing your own resilient healthcare initiative? The following resilience instructional material evolved from a university program and the content and methods are consistent with recommendations by the World Health Organization (WHO) for suicide prevention. This Fast-Track sequence is appropriate for group training and can be completed in one to two hours. Should you prefer printable resources, the following learning is also provided in the Resilience Exercises. Each exercise is organized into two double-sided pages allowing for easy use in group settings. Resilience Exercises PDF » If you wish to design your own program, refer to Educator/Developer and to the Resilience Workbook PDF an Educators Multiuse Handbook for Resilience.

    Fast-track--Two Skills

    1. Pretest

    Optional general resilience test before you begin the learning and again sometime after you complete the learning to measure personal change. The Response to Stressful Experiences Scale is for adults and available through GSA. RSES PDF »

    2. Background

    Brief two minute overview, for adults, of why we need to be resilient and how we can become resilient.

    Resilience: Why and How, Part 1 of 3. Video »

    3. Learning

    This Fast-track option will ask that you work with two skills, Belief and Trust, and then briefly examine the Strength skill. Work with another person, using the videos and first section of the workbook, on the Belief and Trust exercises. Watch each video for an overview, work the flashcard, and, if desired, use the workbook for more depth of information. (1 to 2 hours)

    Resilience: Why and How, Part 2 of 3. Brief video on learning the Belief skill and developing a social support system. (4 minutes) Video »

    Belief flashcard. Skill exercises. More »

    Resilience: Why and How, Part 3 of 3. Brief video on learning the Trust skill with mention of the Persistence, Strength, and Adaptability skills. (4 minutes) Video »

    Trust flashcard. Skill exercises. More »

    Resilience Workbook. The first section of the workbook provides for a much more in depth look at all skills and exercises. Workbook PDF »

    4. Posttest

    The same general resilience test may be a used sometime after learning to measure personal change. What has the testing shown you about your resilience?

    5. Supplement

    The Resilience App permits exploration of the five skills and further reinforces learning.

Resilience Supplements

Resilience App

Hero's Journey LogoA simple web-based application that parallels the five positive-coping skills, journals your learning, and further allows you to create your own resilience skills. The app permits exploration of a personal challenge using any or all of the skills. All data is stored locally on your computer or device. Should you want a printable version, the app has been translated to hardcopy in the workbook. More »

Download Resilience Application. Download the entire app and run it on your own device. Download, unzip, start your browser and Open the index.html file in the FiveSkillApp folder to run this on your browser. The application has been constructed as simple HTML and Javascript pages to permit easy editing and modification should you wish to alter this app for your instruction. Resilience App zip »

Gamification Resources

Gamified learning is an educational process of building in game elements to make learning more motivating and interesting. The goal is to encourage social interaction and support using positive coping skills that foster resilience. More »

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.